Family First: Ms. Martinez Honors Legacy of Mother at Tata’s Day Care

Clarivel MartinezAt the heart of Ms. Martinez’s day care is a deep sense of family, a theme that resonates through every aspect of her work. As you enter Tata’s Day Care, you are greeted by a picture of Ms. Martinez’s late mother, lovingly known as Tata, who serves as the in-home day care’s inspiration. “Family is the most important thing,” Martinez affirms. 

Having immigrated from the Dominican Republic, Ms. Martinez always cherished her family and had a natural affinity for working with children. However, she never anticipated that these values would shape her career path so profoundly. After being diagnosed with a chronic medical condition, Ms. Martinez decided it was time to pursue her passion for child care full-time. With a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential in hand, she is now preparing to start her associate’s degree this winter. Her day care serves children from infancy up to 12 years old, offering a nurturing environment that embodies her mother’s spirit. 

Ms. Martinez integrates her family’s dual language heritage into the care she provides. As a native Spanish speaker, she often converses in Spanish with the children, who have picked up many familiar words and phrases. She also supports families who speak only Spanish, a point of pride as she helps parents navigate the community’s resources. “I search for all of the resources my families might need in our community,” she says. 

Driven by a desire to honor her mother’s legacy, Ms. Martinez is committed to continuous learning to better serve the families in her care. She has earned the highest rating possible, Demonstrating Quality, through Great Start to Quality (GSQ) – a standard she diligently maintains. “My mother inspired me to be the best person I can, and it has led me here, to this point in my life. I intend to honor her memory by passing that inspiration along to the children in my care,” she shares. 

With pride and confidence, Ms. Martinez instills in her children a sense of self-worth, celebrating their unique family cultures and heritage. Every birthday and holiday are marked with enthusiasm and joy, ensuring that each child feels valued in Tata’s Day Care and each family feels like extended family.  

Ms. Martinez used GSQ resources to learn more about how best practices provide the best possible care for the children she is licensed to care for.  For more information on GSQ resources for families seeking quality child care or those interested in becoming providers, visit