How One Woman’s Vision Is Transforming Childcare in Southwest Detroit

Mrs. Dahdah Uplifts Hispanic Community Through Inclusive Early Learning 

Southwest Detroit is home to a large Hispanic population, and a shining light of the community lies in the Empowered Community Learning Center. This small, yet impactful licensed center is owned by Mrs. Najwa Dahdah, a true champion of her community. She is recognized statewide for her leadership in mentoring Child Development Associate (CDA) candidates, her expertise as a PD specialist, as a CAN Ambassador to the CDA Council, and an advocate for culturally responsive learning environments.  However, Mrs. Dahdah considers one of her greatest achievements her ability to uplift all communities. 

At her center, she offers Strong Beginnings and the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) and is deeply committed to the professional development of her staff. In this predominantly Hispanic neighborhood, where many families speak Spanish and celebrate Hispanic culture, Mrs. Dahdah has created more than just a high-quality program—she has built a community rooted in cultural responsiveness. 

“All of us—staff and families—celebrate and honor our cultures, and we especially celebrate Hispanic culture,” Mrs. Dahdah says. “We don’t limit it to Hispanic Heritage Month. We celebrate culture year-round.” As a Jordanian immigrant, Mrs. Dahdah understands the value of inclusivity. She grew up in the same neighborhood, attended Bennett elementary and graduated from Southwestern High School. Arriving in the United States at age 11, speaking both Arabic and English, she recalls struggling to feel a sense of belonging. 

“I’ve learned a lot of Spanish,” Mrs. Dahdah shares. “I work hard to provide a bilingual environment for the children. If my lead teachers aren’t bilingual, my support staff is.” Bilingual classrooms for both the Strong Beginnings and GSRP are just one aspect of how she honors the cultures of the families she serves. “We also incorporate traditional Latin and Mexican foods into our menu. The children look forward to meals they know and love.” 

However, Mrs. Dahdah is always seeking ways to improve her inclusivity. She recounts a moment when she asked her cook to prepare a traditional Mexican meal. “My cook reminded me that they were from El Salvador, not Mexico. It made me reflect on the vast diversity of Hispanic heritage—not just within Mexico, but throughout all of Latin America.” 

This thoughtful consideration is what defines Mrs. Dahdah’s approach to creating a welcoming environment for both children and staff at her center. Her strong advocacy for culturally inclusive practices has made Empowered Community Learning Center a place of belonging and celebration. Great Start to Quality (GSQ) supports child care providers like Mrs. Dahdah, who are creating inclusive, high-quality learning environments. Discover how GSQ’s Quality Improvement Process can help elevate your child care program and create lasting positive impacts for the children and families you serve.